About Me

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I am a Canadian currently living in Scotland. I moved to the UK initially to pursue graduate work at the University of Oxford and am now a PhD student based in Scotland. Over the past few years I've lived in England, Scotland and Egypt, and continue visiting Canada frequently. This is really just a diary of photographs highlighting some of the places I've visited since moving to the UK. Photography allows me to savour my surroundings and reflect on my experiences more vividly. If you have any questions please send me an email: sarah.hynek@gmail.com

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Muskoka cottage garden

My mom has a real passion for gardening, preferring a more wild British look with overlapping plants and flowers than the look you often get when hiring a suburban landscaper. We've incorporated iron garden ornaments, wooden signs and red candleholders which I've hung from the trees. The garden attracts hummingbirds, which I could watch for hours, and I fill feeders that feed the same three hummingbirds each year -- they keep coming back.